K9 Foundation Yakima Valley
Who We Are
We’re a group of dedicated and like-minded volunteers who share a passion for the safety of our community’s citizens by supporting Yakima County’s law enforcement K9 programs.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit providing donors with a safe and secure conduit for private donations.
Our Beginnings
K9 Foundation Yakima Valley came to fruition on March 24, 2020, when three women who shared a fierce passion for community, dogs,
and law enforcement, decided they wanted to help make a difference — to become a ‘Foundation’ of support by creating public awareness
about, and generating additional funds for, the men, women, and four-legged K9 law enforcement heroes who protect and serve our
communities every day. Their mission and goals were crystal clear. Strengths were identified, roles were created, and business partners engaged.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~Margaret Mead
Our Mission Statement
To generate financial support and public awareness for Yakima Valley’s law enforcement K9 Programs through fundraising and education.
Meet Our Team

Fern Hart
Executive Director

Darci Hedden
Communications Director

Dale Panattoni
Event & Volunteer Coordinator

Jackie Panattoni
Event & Volunteer Coordinator
K9 Foundation Yakima Valley
Support those who protect
& serve